Website Security and Hosting

While most yoga studio owners don't spend any time thinking about it, the infrastructure that supports your website is absolutely critical. No amount of money and effort spent on advertising and marketing matters if your website is not up and available to your clients.

99.9999% Uptime Guarantee

We host all of our website on high-performance SSD servers with ample RAM and generous space to accommodation your yoga studio's growing needs. We guarantee 99.9999% uptime of lightening-fast website performance.

Serious about Security

Did you know that 30,000 websites are hacked each day! We offer industry-leading web application firewall, intrusion detection and prevention systems, layer 7 DDOS protection, brute force protection, virtual patching and hardening, and many more nerdy terms you may have never heard of. The point is that we take security seriously.

Backup, Backup, Backup

But what if something still happens. We developed a comprehensive backup system which stores previous backups of your website and data in the cloud. If a website is compromised and needs to be restored, we can simply use one of our clean backups to quickly get you up and running.

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